Bird Issues and Pest Control

Birds carry a surprising amount of diseases which makes bird pest control very important. Pigeons in particular can carry more than 60 varieties of diseases some of which can be harmful to humans. Birds are a common issue not just on agriculture land, but also to homes and other property on lawns. A common disease that birds spread through their faces is histoplasmosis. Histoplasmosis is a lung infection which is caused by inhaling spores left by bird droppings or found in soil. Although not fatal this infection can cause discomfort and pain.

Bird droppings are also quite acidic and can damage paint and property. Particularly on cars droppings can cause damage which is expensive to fix as the uric acid in bird droppings are incredibly acidic. This uric acid acid can also cause substantial damage to roofs of houses weakening roof tar and tar paper and disintegrated even roof shingles. It’s surprising to know how a such a small creature can do so much damage. You wouldn’t believe it at first, but multiply that creature by the thousands and over the period of 360 days you can begin to understand why birds are such an issue for homeowners.

As well as causing property damage and disease birds can be a pest as well due to the noise that they make. Working nightshift can often be painful when you’re expected to sleep through the daytime in order to wake up. Often there is little solution that can be done about this, but new technologies and old tricks offer ways to chase away bird pests. For instance, lasers and scarecrows can be used as a way to draw away any unwelcomed guest during the mornings as well as clearing your yard of any food or areas where birds may like to eat or build their nest, because of these it’s so important to stay vigilant about bird pest control.

1 Comment

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