Cold Meat and a Cold Deli

As a deli owner, I’m used to being around cold temperatures, but that doesn’t mean that I want to have an HVAC system that doesn’t work. Just last week, I had to get an HVAC repair in NYC because the HVAC in my deli wasn’t working. Anyone who would come through the front door to buy some meat would feel the freezing cold temperature and ask if something was wrong with the heat. This is especially noticeable in the winter time, where everyone is outside in the cold with their long jackets and scarves. I had to tell them that the HVAC would be repaired shortly, and gave them a 5% discount on all products to entice them to stay inside the deli and buy something. I pro ably could have gone without the discount, but I think it was a good way to tell the customers that I understand their plight and want to help them. A little good will goes a long way.

At the end of the work day, I was able to contact a repair company and make plans for them to come to my deli and look at the HVAC system that was giving me so much trouble. I asked them if they could come the first thing in the morning before I had to open up the deli and they agreed. The next day, they were at the deli, and they had even beaten me there. In all of the years that I’ve been opening up the deli, no one beats me to it, because I always wake up at the crack of dawn to be there.

After a bit of tinkering with the HVAC system, the repair worker turned it on, and hot air was coming out of it again. I was so glad that I paid the worker and gave him a free package of meat and a discount for 50% off of anything he wanted in the deli.

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